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Pilot Project

Friday October 22 2021

Adjusting the hours of operations of our telephone lines

Dear Co-Owners,

As you know, the pandemic situation of the last year and a half has imposed several changes in our lives.

SolutionCondo has not been spared as we have not only seen our work methods affected, but also the volume of work skyrocket (the number of phone calls and requests have both almost doubled). Add in the issues of manpower shortages and the additional work brought on by new legislations (new insurance rules, Bill 16, etc.), and we can tell you that we have had a real job of evaluation and reorganization.

One of our findings is that the volume of calls is a huge time waster and hinders the efficiency of our staff since they are constantly interrupted. The time required by these phone calls prevents us from doing other follow-ups that are required to move the files forward. We therefore find ourselves in a spiral that creates frustration for you, our clients, as well as for our team, since we no longer respond quickly enough to the service requests that are open in the management software that we encourage you to use. 

Although we appreciate discussing with co-owners their issues and concerns, our primary role remains to ensure the integrity of the building and sound management within a limited time frame. In short, we must become more efficient if we are to accomplish more in the same amount of time. 

For this reason, we have set up a pilot project that will start on October 25 and will be re-evaluated after the holiday season. The purpose of this project is to reduce our available hours on the phone lines to allow our team to move forward more efficiently on the different files and to reduce our response time to service requests.


Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm

Our team will remain on duty from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and will focus its efforts on the follow-up of demands made by service requests.


The same methodology will be applied for important emergencies as on eveningsweekends, and holidays, we will continue to handle emergencies that affect the integrity of the building or access to your parking lot, such as:

  • Damages
  • Breakage of doors giving access to the building from the outside (ex: garage door, main and secondary entrance)
  • Breakdown of elevators
  • Fire alarm
  • Towing requests
  • Etc.

As indicated in the telephone message that you will hear between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., you must dial 0 to speak to an agent at our call centre to report an emergency. The call centre will relay the information to us and our team will be able to take charge of the emergency.

911 Emergency Services: We take this opportunity to remind you that if you witness a criminal act (vandalism, theft, etc.), a fire (e.g. in the bushes near the building or anywhere else), a medical emergency or any other similar situation, the first reflex to have is to contact the emergency services at 911.


We remind you that your Syndicate’s portal allows you to access an FAQ section and make your demands by service requests. These options are available on the user dashboard.

Portail SolutionCondo


We also remind you that it is important to listen carefully to our phone line menu when contacting us to speak to the right person and to avoid delays caused by call transfers.

Here are the lines from our menu:

  • Option 1: Operational questions: Problem on the building, move, chips and intercom
  • Option 2: Administrative question: Condo sale, regulation of the building and rules violation
  • Option 3: Financial questions: Condo fees and account statements

In conclusion, I would like to assure you that this solution is one of many that we are implementing to enable us to regain the balance between the level of service we offer you and the quality of life of our employees.

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding and I am sure that our managers and support staff will appreciate it. The quality work environment that we can offer them (you and I) will make them want to continue in this complex industry and serve you well.


Élise Beauchesne, CPA, CA, Adm.A
SolutionCondo Inc.




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