Tuesday June 25 2024

Renting out a condo, the successful experience of Sophie and Marc

Renting out a condo in a co-ownership can seem complex, but with good organization and adherence to rules, it can become a pleasant experience. Sophie and Marc, a couple who recently rented out their condominium, share their adventure and practical advice. First, it is essential to know and follow the...

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Clément Beauchesne, PMP
Associé-fondateur, Rentalys Solution
514 935-4217
[email protected]

Tuesday June 25 2024

Securing residential pools: A reminder for summer 2024

As summer approaches, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is increasing its efforts to raise awareness about residential pool safety. Every summer, residential pools pose a significant drowning risk for young children who manage to escape adult supervision. These tragedies, preventable with the implementation of simple measures, are unfortunately...

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Sandrine Boisselier,
Directrice Marketing
514 935-6999
[email protected]

Tuesday June 25 2024

SolutionCondo is proud to announce the appointment of Caroline Trudeau to the building management Committee of BOMA Québec

SolutionCondo, a leader in property management in Quebec, is proud to announce the appointment of Caroline Trudeau, Senior Director of Property Management at SolutionCondo, to the Building Management Committee of BOMA Québec.   A recognition of SolutionCondo's expertise and leadership With over 15 years of experience in property management, Caroline...

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Sandrine Boisselier,
Directrice Marketing
514 935-6999
[email protected]

Monday June 17 2024

Why choose SolutionCondo as your employer?

To work in condominiums, you may come from many other fields, related or not.  That's why it's a good idea to tell everyone who we are, because many people are likely to know someone who might enjoy working in one or other of the fine professions offered by condominium management. ...

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Rose-Marie Lépine,
Conseillère aux ressources humaines
514 935-6999
[email protected]

Monday June 3 2024

Water quality for pools and other artificial basins in condominiums: Are you fully aware of the regulations?

In Quebec, water quality in swimming pools and other artificial basins is regulated by the Regulation respecting water quality in swimming pools and other artificial basins (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).   Regulatory requirements Coming into force on January 1st, 2007, the Regulation establishes a framework for monitoring water...

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Sébastien St-Pierre,
Directeur du département technique
514 935-6999
[email protected]

Tuesday May 21 2024

Death in Co-ownership : A Taboo Subject ?

Life as a condo manager can be full of unforeseen events. In addition to having to manage many technical, financial, and administrative aspects on a daily basis, we also have to deal with delicate situations that inevitably require our involvement. Whether inside or outside the building, a death can occur,...

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Renaud Bourassa,
Directeur de Gestion
514 935-6999
[email protected]

Thursday April 4 2024

SolutionCondo continues its green shift in communications

In recent years, we have worked with boards of directors and co-owners to limit the sending of paper mail, including: By equipping ourselves with technological communications tools, such as UpperBee  By implementing regulations to communicate electronically for more formal communications such as sending:  Notice of general meetings  Notice of assessment...

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Samanta Pilon-Langlois,
Directrice des Opérations
[email protected]

Tuesday April 2 2024

Dogs in co-ownership: prohibited but not always excluded

Be aware that even if your declaration of co-ownership formally prohibits the presence of animals, there are certain exceptions where it would be impossible for a syndicate to refuse access to an animal.   A hot topic in co-ownership that keeps people talking ! Boards have to deal with two...

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Valérie Vincent,
Directrice de projets techniques
514 935-6999
[email protected]

Wednesday March 27 2024

Disaffection for co-ownership. Is it justified?

If I tell you that condo fees have increased a lot since 2020, it is not a surprise for anyone. Inflation, the new legal obligations (and those to come) related to Bill 16 (PL-16), the many incident claims whose financial responsibility has been with the syndicate for some years (PL-141)...

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Elise Beauchesne, CPA, CA, Adm.A
[email protected]

Wednesday March 20 2024

New Condo? Get a good manager on your side !

Many will not see the need to use the services of a manager for a new construction. However, certain steps are crucial when setting up the co-ownership syndicate. The need for professional management has already been mentioned in the media, through several articles and reports, including in particular that broadcast...

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Valérie Vincent,
Directrice de projets techniques
514 935-6999
[email protected]

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