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Pilot Project

Wednesday April 20 2022

Pilot Project – Adjustment of the hours of operations of our telephone lines

Project analysis and permanent adjustment

Since October 25th, we have experimented with a pilot project to adjust the hours of operations of our telephone lines. This project aimed to allow our teams to free up time to carry out the follow-ups required by various files and requests that continue to increase in number and complexity, as well as to plan and carry out the work and inspections required by the new laws in effect. Our telephone hours of operations are therefore from Monday to Friday between 9 am to 1 pm.

The analysis of this project allowed us to conclude that limiting the time slots of the telephone lines allowed us to advance a good number of files and to ensure a better follow-up of the requests received. However, we noticed that the situation could complicate the communication with the suppliers and service providers as well as the important but non-urgent request of the co—owners, mainly when they had to reserve for a move.

Thus, we have decided to readjust our operation hours for our telephone lines, and this, on a permanent basis. To be more accessible to our collaborators and our clients while reserving time for our teams to process files, our telephone lines will be accessible from Monday to Friday between 9 am to 3 pm, since April 18th.

Emergency Management

We remind you that when our phone lines are closed, they are directed to a call center so that we can continue to handle emergencies, such as:

  • Damages
  • Broken doors giving access to the building from the outside (ex: garage door, main and secondary entrance, etc.)
  • Broken elevators
  • Fire alarm
  • Towing requests
  • Etc.

Our phone lines are redirected to a call center from Monday to Friday between 3 pm to 9 am, as well as on weekends and holidays.

Telephone Lines

During our operation hours, it is important to listen carefully to our phone line menu when contacting us to speak to the right person. Here are the lines from our menu:

  • OPTION 1: Operational questions: Problem in the building, move, chips and intercom
  • OPTION 2: Administrative questions: Condo sale, regulation of the building, information regarding condo rental, reporting or following-up on a violation
  • OPTION 3: Financial questions: Condo fees and account statements

Information and Tools Available on the Syndicate’s Web Portal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ/Q&A)

Co-owners are invited to consult the FAQ section available on the Co-ownership web portal (to log in to learn more about the procedures that apply to their Co-ownership. You will find the information on the following topics, among others:

  • Cost of additional garage remote and chips
  • Procedures for moving in and moving out
  • Terms and conditions for the reservation of common rooms, multifunctional rooms or urban chalet
  • Etc.

Service Requests

It is also possible to ask questions or report a problem using the appropriate type of service request offered on the same portal.

Reservations (moves, room, etc.)

We would like to remind you that room and elevator reservations are made in the Syndicate’s calendar available on the web portal of your Co-ownership.


Various documents are directly accessible on the web portal of your Syndicate, such as:

  • Declaration of Co-ownership
  • Minutes of the Board meeting and assemblies of co-owners
  • Insurance certificate of the Syndicate
  • Financial statements
  • Expert reports (contingency fund study, report of insurance value, etc.)
  • Register of basic finishes of private portions
  • Etc.


Most of the rules included on the Declaration of Co-ownership is documented in the rule registry available online. It is also possible to find the regulations that have been added over the time or that have been amended.

It is also possible, in this tool, to search by keyword and to export information (ex: when required by a potential buyer or to give to a tenant).


Finally, we would like to thank our collaborators and our clients for their support within the framework of the pilot project which allows us to take more permanent measures to adjust our services to maintain our level of service, by allowing a better quality of life to our employees by improving the work environment.


Élise Beauchesne, CPA, CA, Adm.A
President, Solution Condo inc.




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