Electric batteries, although essential to our daily lives, represent a growing fire risk, particularly in confined environments such as co-ownerships. With the rise of electric vehicles, electric bicycles and many other battery-powered household appliances*, co-ownerships are facing a new challenge: the increased risk of fire from lithium-ion batteries. While these...
Sandrine Boisselier,
Directrice Marketing
514 935-6999
[email protected]
No, flowerpots are not ashtrays… Summer brings greenery and beautifulness for many residents. However, each year, poorly extinguished cigarette buts crushed in flowerpots and flowerbeds cause more than a million dollars’ worth of damage, and lead to numerous fires. Such incidents could so easily be avoided. We think that dirt...
Sandrine Boisselier,
Directrice Marketing
514 935-6999
[email protected]